Sustainability is a strategic initiative in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. Below are the most current stories showcasing our college's sustainability efforts.
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Two climate-related projects received seed grant funding through high-performance computing support and consultation.
Penn State will host the Climate Solutions Symposium on May 22 and 23 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center.
Lauren McKeown, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will discuss her experiments to test the formation of Martian “spiders” and present a new hypothesis for the formation of Europa’s Manannán spider, in her talk "Spiders on Mars, Europa and in the Laboratory: Insights for Icy Planetary Surface Processes through Analog Experiments” at 4 p.m., Monday, March 27.
A new study of the conditions that led to the Larsen B ice shelf collapse may reveal warning signs to watch for future Antarctic ice shelf retreat, according to a Penn State-led team of scientists.
Climate change poses an existential threat to communities and people, according to organizers of an upcoming Penn State Extension land-use webinar, who noted that local governments leading by example is a key component of mitigating climate change in Pennsylvania.
Warmer and drier climate conditions in western U.S. forests are making it less likely that trees can regenerate after wildfires, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which includes researchers from Penn State.
The latest episode of the "Growing Impact" podcast examines how energy from industrial waste heat could be harnessed to charge batteries.
Penn State has established a publicly available, environmental monitoring network to provide enhanced surveillance of atmospheric and soil conditions across Pennsylvania.
A Penn State-led team of scientists created a new process to fabricate large perovskite devices that is more cost- and time-effective than previously possible and that they said may accelerate future materials discovery.
Rocks, rain and carbon dioxide help control Earth’s climate over thousands of years — like a thermostat — through a process called weathering.