Starting in the Spring of the 5th Year as associate professor, and annually thereafter:
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is committed to fostering the timely advancement of its associate professors to the rank of professor. Five years after promotion to associate professor, the faculty member will submit an up-to-date dossier to their department head by February 16. The contents and formatting of the dossier will be determined at the discretion of the department head and communicated to the candidate. The department head will share the dossier with the departmental P&T committee chair for review. The P&T committee will provide a written, concise review of the candidate's teaching, research, and service to the department head. The department head will share this review and discuss it with the faculty member regarding their progress towards promotion to professor. Please note that this review is just a recommendation. Therefore, no vote should be taken. Should the candidate move forward, a full dossier that includes external review letters and updated assessments of teaching effectiveness will be formally and independently reviewed by the P&T committee in place the following academic year.
Regardless of the recommendation, department heads will provide the candidate with a one-page statement of the strengths of the dossier as well as thoughts about areas that may require further attention prior to formal review for advancement to full professor. This process is intended to be developmental and helpful, and no record of this consultation will be placed in the candidate’s dossier.
One of the following two outcomes, must be followed:
- If the department committee recommends/advises that the candidate should be considered for promotion and the department head concurs, the head informs the department P&T committee chair and dean’s office that the individual will be put forward for the promotion process in the coming academic year. The head will work with the department committee and the candidate to develop the list of external reviewers to be proposed to the dean; or
- If the committee recommends that the candidate not be put forward at this time, the department head will meet with faculty member to provide feedback on the dossier and discuss expectations and strategies to advance to the next level.
Associate Professors who have not been recommended for consideration for promotion to full professor after 7 years post-tenure will have the ability to self-nominate in the spring of their 7th year. This will activate the standard promotion process in the coming year as described in the current guidelines. Associate Professors may self-nominate every 2 years thereafter.
If an associate professor fails to provide an updated draft dossier in a given year, the presumption of the department and college is that the candidate does not want to be given consideration for promotion in the following year.
Approved at Executive Council: May 11, 2021
Revised: March 19, 2021
Revised: April 26, 2022