This College addendum to Penn State Policy AC40 applies to all tenured faculty in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Tenured faculty will participate in a performance evaluation once every five years. The faculty performance evaluation (FPE) is intended to recognize accomplishments and foster future plans of faculty members who are contributing to the mission of the College and University and, in rare cases, to provide guidance to those not contributing meaningfully to the well-being of the College or University. The goal of the evaluation is as much to promote future planning as to review past progress. In particular, the FPE is designed to encourage and assist those aspiring to increased impact or further excellence.
FPEs for tenured faculty members are a method for assisting and supporting faculty members to maintain vigorous contributions to teaching, research, and service throughout their careers. The rationale for the review is presented in a statement in the ‘EMS Expectations and Faculty Commitment’ document, approved by the EMS faculty on 23 October, 1996. It is proposed that the performance evaluation procedures be modified from time to time to take into account the evolution of the University-wide practice of extended faculty career development reviews.
The evaluation of the performance of tenured EMS faculty members will be based on the criteria established by a statement in the EMS Expectations and Faculty Commitment document:
The primary responsibility of each member of the EMS faculty is to contribute to the achievements of the University and the College in fostering the intellectual growth and progress of students, in advancing knowledge and understanding, and in serving society. To meet this responsibility, each member of the faculty must maintain and demonstrate a deep and career-long commitment to improving both personal and College capabilities in teaching, research, and service. It is recognized that the characteristics of the contributions and the balance between them may change as a career proceeds.
To enhance the strength of the College and to further the objective of maintaining vitality in teaching, research, and service throughout an academic career, the members of the EMS faculty accept and welcome increasing responsibility for the success of the College through a variety of activities, such as:
For tenured faculty undergoing their first FPE five years after receiving tenure, adherence to the Guidelines for the Consideration of Promotion of Tenure-Line Associate Professors at fulfills this requirement.
For subsequent reviews, the FPE process is intended to provide an opportunity to review and acknowledge past achievements, and particularly to provide an opportunity for planning future activities. To help achieve these objectives, the EMS faculty member will be notified two semesters in advance of the upcoming review. Late in the Fall semester, the dean will send a letter to the faculty member requesting the submission of the following to the department:
The Dean’s request to the faculty member will include a request to the Department Head to provide the faculty member with the following:
When items 1-5 above have been assembled, reviewed, and edited as appropriate by the faculty member to ensure completeness, the materials will be submitted to the Department Head prior to the announced deadline.
The Department Head will write a review of the faculty member’s performance and future plans. The full package will be submitted by the Department Head to the Dean’s Office. One copy of all materials along with an electronic copy in PDF format should be submitted. Outside letters will not be solicited nor considered as part of the review.
The College Faculty Performance Evaluation Committee (hereinafter called the FPE Committee) will review the materials (except the Department Head’s letter – this will be removed from the materials to allow the FPE Committee to make a judgement independent of the Department Head’s assessment) and prepare a written summary and assessment following this standard review process:
The FPE Committee’s statement should reflect both the consensus and the breadth of opinion within the committee. Written comments of the FPE Committee should focus on accomplishment and future goals in accordance with college expectations. The evaluation should include a realistic appraisal of the candidate’s ability to achieve the proposed goals. The FPE Committee can include recommendations for action in support of a faculty member’s career goals. The file and accompanying letter will be forwarded to the Dean. The Dean will receive the Department Head’s letter separately.
Faculty members may request to meet with the FPE Committee as part of the evaluation. Such requests should be made through the Dean’s office in late January, after the Department Head has prepared her/his review. The FPE Committee may request a meeting with a faculty member to discuss the evaluation. After the review is submitted to the Dean, the FPE Committee may request a meeting with the Dean to discuss a given case. The Dean may also consult with either or both Department Head and/or the FPE Committee prior to finalizing her/his letter.
When a faculty member’s approved leave (e.g., tenure stay, full sabbatical) defers her/his five-year evaluation, the accomplishments and materials produced during the approved leave year are to be included in the next five-year review. In such instances, that review would include materials for the past six years, consistent in principle with the pre-tenure process and the subsequent review would be undertaken five years from the new date. As in any case, the evaluation will focus on quality and quantity of scholarly products – not time since degree, hire, or previous promotion.tion.
One tenured faculty member from each department of the College will be assigned to the FPE Committee. The faculty of each department (tenured and tenure-track) will establish and adopt its protocols for identifying its representative to the College FPE Committee. If a member of the FPE Committee is scheduled for a performance evaluation, the committee will convene without that member present to perform the evaluation. Tenured Associate Professors and Professors may serve on this committee. However, there should never be more than two Associate Professors on the committee. If more than two departments nominate Associate Professors to serve, then the decision about which two departments may have Associate Professors on this committee will be decided by drawing lots and the unsuccessful departments will be asked to nominate Professors instead. The Committee Chair may be either a Professor or Associate Professor, as determined by committee vote.
The Department Head will conclude the evaluation by meeting with the faculty member and discussing the written evaluations. A copy of the written evaluations of the FPE Committee and the Department Head will be provided to the faculty member at the conclusion of the evaluation.
The first five-year review following tenure will follow the Guidelines for the Consideration of Promotion of Tenure-Line Associate Professors outlined at In subsequent five-year reviews the Department Head will reserve time to meet with each faculty member to discuss the review. If requested by the faculty member or Dean, a meeting will be arranged with the faculty member and the Dean to discuss the evaluation. A summary of the meeting will be shared in writing to the faculty member’s Department Head.
The Dean, in conjunction with the Department Head, will be responsible for initiating action, if any, in response to the evaluation. If improvements in performance are recommended, the faculty member and the faculty member’s Department Head will prepare an appropriate response, the implementation of which should be monitored by the Department Head. The Dean will be notified of the effectiveness of a plan to improve and enhance a faculty member’s performance on a two- and four-year interval. Finally, a clear link must be established between the performance review and faculty rewards.
For the vast majority of faculty who are effectively carrying out the College mission, the FPE Committee should make recommendations as to the appropriate recognition that could further enhance the quality of a faculty member’s work. The evaluation process may also identify faculty who need redirection or revitalization. In these cases, a development plan should be formulated to help the faculty member improve his/her academic contribution. If appropriate, such faculty development plans will be accompanied by institutional resources and assistance necessary for their successful implementation. The Dean will discuss the results of the evaluation and, if appropriate, recommend a plan of professional development. Any such development plan should be constructive in nature, and again, if appropriate, supported by institutional resources for implementation. In cases where a plan is developed, follow-through to ensure its implementation is required. At two- and four-year intervals, the Dean will review the progress of the development plan and, if necessary, adjust the approach.
Late Fall Semester of Faculty Member’s 4th Year (since the first 5-year review of an associate professor or the last FPE) – Notified by Dean’s Office that they will be up for FPE review next year and instruct them to begin assembling package.
Starting in 5th Year:
January 15th - The faculty member’s documents will be due to the Department Head
January 30th – The complete package is submitted by the Department Head to the Dean’s Office
January 31st - The complete package (minus the Department Head’s letter) will be submitted to the FPE Committee
February (1st weekday) - The Dean will meet with the FPE Committee to give a detailed charge and a summary of the review procedure
February (early) - The FPE Committee will normally begin meetings
NOTE: The performance of all faculty members, regardless of rank, will normally be evaluated ten-years after the award of tenure in the College and every five years thereafter, unless the faculty member underwent the promotion to professor process, in which case the next review will be five years after the completion of that process, whether or not promotion to professor was awarded. A FPE review will not be required if the faculty member is on a phased retirement plan or has a confirmed departure date from Penn State that is within the next 12 months.
Policy AC40 Annual Evaluation of Faculty Performance (Formerly HR40)