GEMS members can serve on a variety of committees. If you would like to serve on a GEMS committee, please send an email to the committee chair. View the committee listing below.
Members include GEMS officers and chairs of the Outreach, Event, and Resource committees. Members manage and strategically plan overall board objectives, goals, and related activities.
Members plan programs and events involving students, alumni, faculty, and staff from the college and its departments.
Are you interested in volunteering with this committee? Send us an email.
Members are responsible for most functions related to promoting attendance at Penn State and the pursuit of the Earth and Mineral Sciences. The committee is also responsible for developing relations among the alumni, students, and faculty of EMS. The committee specifically is the board focus for the Irvin Hall students and the EMS Student Council.
Are you interested in volunteering with this committee? Send us an email.
The Resource Committee is responsible for a large part of the administrative and officially required functions of the Board of Directors. This committee is accountable for maintaining contact with the entire Earth and Mineral Sciences alumni body, sustaining board membership, and selecting Colleen Swetland Alumni Achievement Award recipients.