The Gladys Snyder Junior Faculty Grants are given to young faculty for the development of new courses or the improvement of current offerings; for travel to professional meetings special course and seminars; to broaden the studies of junior faculty members; and/or to recognize significant contributions of faculty in their first five years in research efforts.
Applications are due in December of the academic year; awardees are notified in January.
The Gladys Snyder Memorial Trust established a grant to support professional activities for faculty in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences in the areas of teaching innovation and research.
Eligibility and funding
Proposals for Gladys Snyder grants will be accepted from any faculty member who has fewer than five years at Penn State and is either non-tenure-track or pre-tenure.
Award requests up to $5,000 will be considered, and submission of smaller requests (<$5,000) is encouraged. The award period will be for the CALENDAR YEAR (January-December). Extensions beyond December must be made in writing to Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.
NO department match is required; however, if a match is available, it may increase the chance of funding. Preference will be granted to those proposals that benefit the undergraduate education mission in the College.
Proposal timeline
Each calendar year, a request for funding to the G&H Snyder Memorial Trust is submitted in July, with notification of funding amounts for the college in the fall.
In late September or October, the Office of the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education will contact the department heads and provide the detailed proposal information. Department heads will disseminate the information to faculty members. Faculty proposals should be submitted to the department head for initial review and approval. The department head will send the proposal to the Associate Dean for consideration. The deadline for proposal submissions is in early December.
Address questions to: Kayla Pedmo at