In pursuit of its mission to seek and to disseminate knowledge, the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences promotes excellence in academic and professional activities on the part of students, faculty, staff and administration. Created in 1999, the Wilson Service Award honors exceptional achievement in service and expresses the gratitude and appreciation of the college.
This award is given in recognition of meritorious service represented by a single contribution or a series of contributions around a coherent theme. The contribution may represent application of knowledge in the creation of an activity or service useful to society. The achievement for which the candidate is to be honored shall have occurred or culminated during the five years preceding the nomination for the award.
Members of the college faculty, as defined by the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' Constitution, are eligible.
Selection Procedure
Nominations are solicited from departments and institutes (typically there is a limit of one nomination per category per department or institute; see the Nomination Procedure guidance under each award). Department heads and institute directors are able to provide new nominations or request reconsideration of last year’s nominees. A selection committee, comprising the deans of the college, reviews and discusses the nominations and selects the recipient in each category.
Nomination Procedure
Annually in September, the Dean will invite nominations for the Wilson Award for Excellence in Service from each department and institute. Reminders are sent in November.
Each department and institute may submit one nomination (submitted by the department head or director) and the nomination packet should include:
- Detailed description of the achievement and documented evidence that substantiates the claim of commitment to excellence in service
- Brief biographical information about nominee
- Recent high-resolution color photograph suitable for the program in jpeg format
The nomination materials should be submitted no later than February 15.
Current Recipient
Donald Fisher
Professor of Geosciences
- 2023: Liz Hajek
- 2022: Ken Davis
- 2021: Douglas Miller and the team of Roman Engel-Herbert and Jon-Paul Maria
- 2020: Seth Blumsack
- 2019: VenKatraman Gopalan
- 2018: Andrew Nyblade
- 2017: Mark Klima and David Titley
- 2016: Brent Yarnal
- 2015: Timothy Bralower
- 2014: Cynthia Brewer
- 2013: Peter R. Bannon and R. Larry Grayson
- 2012: Yaw D. Yeboah
- 2011: Robert G. Crane
- 2010: David W. DiBiase
- 2009: Gary L. Messing
- 2008: Carlo G. Pantano
- 2007: Susan L. Brantley
- 2006: Richard R. Parizek and Dennis W. Thomson
- 2005: Michael A. Arthur, Christopher J. Bise and William H. Peterson
- 2004: Peter Deines and Alan W. Scaroni
- 2003: Rudy L. Slingerland and Johannes Verlinde
- 2002: Richard E. Tressler
- 2001: Lakshman Yapa
- 2000: C. Gregory Knight and Peter T. Luckie
- 1999: Turgay Ertekin