The EMS Centennial Research Travel Award supports graduate students’ travel related to their research. Preference will be given to students that have not previously won this award, and prior winners must wait 24 months before applying again.
- Be enrolled as a full-time graduate student for the 2024-25 academic year.
- Travel between July 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025; and before the student graduates.
How to Apply / Deadline
- Please complete and submit the form below. Deadline is Friday, March 21, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
- Submit all content requested below as a single pdf file using the naming convention: LastName_FirstName_Department.pdf
Review of Applications
- Reviewers will be from the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences but will be guaranteed to be outside of your academic department.
- To help create a successful application, please refrain from heavy use of jargon that is related to your specific discipline - especially since the reviewers are outside of your department. If you need to use specific scientific jargon be sure to explain it thoroughly.
Examples of successful application packets from previous years
Student Information
Application Packet Checklist
Please complete and submit this application form and upload one file (pdf) that includes the content listed below:
- Title: Please include a short description at the top of the proposal.
- Merit: Short responses to the following questions (Word count limit: 1,000 words TOTAL, single-spaced, 12-point font). Note: references do not count in the 1000-word limit.
- Explain the intellectual merit of your work. How is your current research innovative and important to your field?
- Explain the broad impacts of your research. How does your work contribute to society as a whole? How can your work and impacts extend beyond your specific field?
- How will this travel award contribute to your graduate research and professional goals?
The responses are to be written by the student for the broad scientific audience of the Graduate Student Council, briefly describing the merit of his/her research and why the funds will be helpful. All applicants are allowed to have a maximum of one figure included in their application.
- Proposed travel budget
The funds are to be used for scholarly travel. Please submit the proposed conference or field work destination and a tentative budget. Budget should be itemized, and estimated expenses should be as comprehensive, specific, and detailed as possible (e.g. conference registration, airfare, hotel, etc.). Your budget may exceed the award amount, so long as it is clear how the funds will supplement your travel.