Several faculty members in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences received non-tenure-line faculty promotions at Penn State, effective July 1, 2022.
Several faculty members in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences received non-tenure-line faculty promotions at Penn State, effective July 1, 2022.
Yashar Mehmani, assistant professor in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering, received a $629,000 Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to pursue an integrated modeling, experimental and educational plan to improve the basic understanding of failures in porous materials and develop a more accurate computational framework to predict them.
One recent evening, three student teams shuffled into the Steidle Building and were swiftly handed a detailed corporate briefing on Blue Vector Gas, a fictitious national pipeline company. For this capstone course experience, students spent the next 21 hours assuming the role of company leaders.
Angelique Adams, CEO of Angelique Adams Media Solutions, LLC, was awarded the 2022 Charles L. Hosler Alumni Scholar Medal by Penn State’s College of Earth and Mineral Sciences.
Upcycling plastic waste into graphite, used in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage, could positively contribute to the global economy, preserving resources, saving energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, according to Penn State researchers.
Twenty-eight experts from various fields participated as panelists and presenters at the 2022 Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Workshop, jointly hosted by the Penn State Center for Security Research and Education (CSRE); Center for Energy Law and Policy; and the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Science.