Two Penn State researchers from different disciplines will give brief talks about their work at the next Penn State Data Science Community meeting scheduled at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12.
Two Penn State researchers from different disciplines will give brief talks about their work at the next Penn State Data Science Community meeting scheduled at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 12.
With the tropical storm season in the Atlantic Ocean underway and already well into the Greek alphabet for naming, better storm track prediction has allowed timely evacuations and preparations. However, the formation and intensification of these storms remains challenging to predict, according to an international team of researchers who are studying the origin of tropical cyclones.
Michael E. Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric sciences and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State, has been selected to give the Stephen Schneider Lecture at the American Geophysical Society’s fall 2020 meeting, which will be held virtually in December.
A panel discussion on climate change and science communication will feature four Penn State researchers: Iliana Baums, Kristina Douglass, Michael Mann and Jessica Myrick.
The 2020 cohort of Penn State’s Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) Faculty Fellows — formerly known as faculty co-hires — includes an interdisciplinary group of researchers who will use the University’s computational resources to probe the world’s biggest societal and social challenges.
Fluctuations in the weather can have a significant impact on melting Antarctic ice, and models that do not include this factor can underestimate the global impact of sea level rise, according to Penn State scientists.
During a summer research experience, something stood out as Alisha Wellington began contrasting forecasts with field observations for Hurricane Fred, which hit the African island nation of Cape Verde in 2015.
Penn State’s Water Council will hold an online event for individuals who are interested in learning about water events and meeting other water faculty and professional staff.
The All-Atlantic Summit will include the 6th High-Level Industry-Science-Government Dialogue on Atlantic Interactions (HLD) and technical sessions focusing on innovation to develop inclusive ocean economies in the Atlantic region.