The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences created the Center for Advanced Undergraduate Study and Experience in the early 1990s to promote interdisciplinary, problem-based learning opportunities for undergraduates. The centerpiece of CAUSE is a multi-semester seminar that allows students to do theme-based research both in the classroom and out in the field. The field study usually takes place during semester breaks. Students pick their own research projects to work on in small groups.
Information about Early CAUSE courses
- CAUSE 2000 - Choices for the Next Millennium: Costs and Consequences
- Energy Choices for 2000 and Beyond: About CAUSE
- Hard Choices
- Student Power: Profile of Kate Darby
- Whole Brain Workout: Profile of Kristy Fruit
- Traveling Man: Profile of Derek Elsworth
- Seeing Students As Resources: Profile of Semih Eser
- CAUSE 2001: Debating the Issues
- CAUSE 2003 - Energy and Society: From Industrial Revolution to Industrial Ecology
- Dispatches from the Field
- Dispatch One: Under the Rainbow
- Dispatch Two
- Dispatch Four: Lowdown on Electric Mountain
- Industrial Revolution & Beyond
- Bios