What Our Students Say

"The professors of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering program at Penn State strive to make the course content relevant to students' future careers. Not only do we learn advanced problem-solving skills that can be applied to a variety of different industries and careers, but we also gain exposure to specific software and processes that are used in the oil and gas industry. I've had the opportunity to use a drilling simulator, mix drilling mud, model torque and drag, and run economic analyses on real-life reservoirs. I feel well prepared to begin my career thanks to my PNGE education from Penn State."
—Carly Haffner, 2017 graduate, petroleum and natural gas engineering

“The program, along with student events and organizations, provides students with countless opportunities for growth individually and professionally. The professors and staff within the department create a beneficial and challenging environment for the students, which gives the knowledge and discipline required to become an industry professional.”
~ Tristin Findlay, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering graduate