Q: Why did you choose to attend Penn State? Are you glad that you did?
I loved Meteorology since elementary school. When I visited Penn State and saw that I could be a part of a group of other students and faculty that loved meteorology as much as I did, I was hooked. Penn State offered the best college experience that I could have ever imagined.
Q: What advice do you have for potential students considering attending Penn State and EMS?
Visit. Meet other students and faculty with similar interests. If it feels like the right place, it probably is!
Q: Did your career turn out as you planned?
I always enjoyed meteorology, snow, the outdoors, and business, and now I get to focus on all of those things each day. It's a dream come true, though it wasn't exactly what I expected when I started college.
Q: Did you participate in any extracurricular activities like student clubs, organizations, internships, sports, study away or study abroad? Did they have any impact on you/your career? How?
I was on the Penn State Ski Team all four years. This club sport connected me with people that are lifelong friends. It was a wonderful way to expand my experience beyond academics.
Q: What one piece of advice would you like to give to students who are graduating?
Figure out what you don't want to do in terms of the work that you'll do and the lifestyle that it requires (travel, shift work, etc). Often, ruling things out is simpler trying to figure out the perfect career path.
Q: What is your favorite memory of your time at Penn State?
Fall colors and the beauty that surrounds the campus.
Q: What’s the best thing about being a Penn Stater?
Having access to a BIG network of other meteorologists that also are Penn Staters.
fun stuff!
Q: What TV show do you watch faithfully or what band do you listen to faithfully?
Decades later, I still think Seinfeld is an awesome show.
Q: What’s your favorite weekend activity?
I like to ski deep powder, weekends and weekdays.
Q: What’s something about you that might surprise people?
I love electronic music. It started in college and continues to the present day.