A Response to Bjorn Lomborg’s Response to My Critique
of his Energy Chapter
John P. Holdren
15 February 2002
Lomborg has posted on his Web page a long response to the critiques that
appeared in Scientific American of
four of the chapters in his book, The Skeptical Environmentalist,
including my critique of his chapter on energy. No part of my critique escapes rebuttal. Perhaps Lomborg felt
obliged to use all of the submissions he received in response to the
appeal for help he broadcast to a long e-mail list after the Scientific American critiques appeared.[1] It is instructive that he apparently did not feel
he could manage an adequate response by himself. (In this, at least, he was correct. But he could not manage it with help, either.) Just as the book itself betrays a seeming
inability of its author to discriminate sensible arguments from nonsensical
ones, so also does the posted response to my critique suggest that Lomborg just
tossed in, uncritically, whatever replies popped into his head or into his
e-mail “in” box.
As my
review for Scientific American
acknowledged, Lomborg’s energy chapter does contain a number of propositions
that are correct (such as the observation that there is large potential in
renewable energy sources and energy-efficiency improvements). The problem with the chapter -- and the
rest of the book as well -- is that, as a famously brief review of a long paper
submitted to a professional journal once put it, “What is right in this
document is not new, and what is new is not right.”[2] The book is
in fact a seemingly random admixture of points that are right and relevant (but
not new), points that are right but not relevant (and still not new), and
points that are wrong. Notwithstanding
that the author is said to have been trained in statistics, the book shows no
sign of the use of appropriate statistical conventions and methods -- or any
other systematic approach -- to distinguish what is right and relevant from
what is not.
rebuttal to my critique of his energy chapter is of even lower quality than the
chapter itself, in that there is almost nothing in the rebuttal that is
both right and relevant, beyond the two places where he concedes that the
critique caught him in a mistake. Even
there, he protests predictably that the mistakes are modest in number and
unimportant in the context of the sweep of his argument. But, as will be shown here, the mistakes
caught in my review are both more numerous and more important than he
concedes. It must be added that the
space allotted for reviews is always limited, as it was in this instance in Scientific American, making it
impossible to mention never mind to explain every mistake that has been
noticed. It should also be understood
that, even if space were not limited, few reviewers would consider it their
responsibility to explain every error that a deeply flawed work contains, once
they have explained enough of them to establish beyond doubt that the author is
not competent in the subjects he is addressing.
what follows here, I identify some (again, not all!) of what specifically is
wrong or irrelevant in Lomborg’s rebuttal to my critique of his energy chapter,
under the following headings:
misrepresenting what I wrote in my critique; obfuscating what he wrote in the book; persistent conceptual confusions; refusal to acknowledge offering vagueness where specificity was
required; and refusal to acknowledge
offering illusory precision where only approximations are possible.
Misrepresenting what I wrote
the first paragraph of my critique, I note that Lomborg spends most of his
energy chapter attacking a view that few if any environmentalists hold –
namely, that the world is running out of energy. I then write
“What environmentalists mainly say
on this topic is not that we are running out of energy but that we are running
out of environment (that is, running out of the capacity of air, water, soil,
and biota to absorb, without intolerable consequences for human well-being, the
impacts of energy extraction, transport, transformation, and use). They also argue that we are running out of
ability to manage other risks of energy supply, such as the political and
economic dangers of over-dependence on Middle East oil and the danger that
nuclear energy systems will leak nuclear-weapons materials and expertise into
the hands of proliferation-prone nations or terrorists.”
Of this passage Lomborg writes “This is exactly the
kind of exposition which I try to counter in my book – without any
references Holdren manages to describe everything as going ever worse
and even include into the environmental agenda concepts that are far removed
from its core, such as nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and economic recession
from oil price hikes.” [emphasis in original]
As is
plain, my comment is a characterization of what environmentalists say the
energy problem is about, for contrast with what the book contends they say it’s
about. I do not describe “everything as
going ever worse”, as Lomborg claims I do, either in the passage he is
commenting on or elsewhere. (Other
reviewers have also commented that Lomborg has the habit of mistaking what
people actually wrote with what he apparently wishes they wrote; it is difficult to avoid the impression that
he is either unable or unwilling to pay careful attention to the content of
what he is reading.) He is even wrong
about the absence of references: the continuation of my argument in the next
paragraph presents four references for the proposition put forward in the
quoted passage – namely, that environmentalists have long held a more nuanced
view of the energy problem than Lomborg attributes to them (and quite evidently
more nuanced than he holds himself).
Obfuscating what he wrote
pollution from coal, Lomborg wrote in The Skeptical Environmentalist that
“in developed economies, switches to low-sulfur coal, scrubbers, and other
air-pollution control devices have today removed the vast part of sulfur
dioxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions”.
I criticized this statement, noting that the actual emissions from U.S.
coal-burning power plants declined only from 16.1 million tons to 12.4 million
tons between 1980 and 1998 in the case of sulfur dioxide and from 6.1 million
tons to 5.4 million tons between 1980 and 1998 in the case of nitrogen oxides
(mostly emitted as NO, not NO2, but by convention measured as tons
of NO2-equivalent). I noted
that these reductions, while welcome, hardly amounted to “the vast part” of
emissions. In his rebuttal, Lomborg
now claims that he was referring to emissions per ton of coal burned, not to
total emissions, and since coal burning increased between 1980 and 1998 the
percentage reductions in emissions per ton of coal burned were larger than the
percentage reductions in the total emissions.
The fact is, however, that the passage in his book says nothing about
emissions per ton. Its plain wording
about reducing “the vast part” of emissions means, on any straightforward
reading, that the total emissions are now vastly smaller than they were
before. This is not only flat wrong but
conveys a seriously misleading impression about an important point.
carps further, on this issue, that I was unfair to him in choosing 1980 as the
starting point for the before-and-after comparison, and he claims that the
numbers would have been more consistent with his “removal of the vast part”
formulation if I had started instead with 1970. In fact, however, total emissions of sulfur dioxide were
slightly lower in 1970 (15.8 million tons) than in 1980, and total emissions of
nitrogen oxides were much lower (3.9 million tons). The New Source Performance Standards, which tightened emissions
limits on coal-burning power plants, were enacted in 1979. Thus it seemed to me that starting with 1980
would be the choice kindest to Lomborg’s position. Of course, in this I was assuming that he meant what he wrote –
just emissions, not emissions per ton of coal burned. Note also that the nitrogen oxide numbers, which Lomborg
somehow neglects to mention in his rebuttal, would not remotely justify the
“vast part” formulation even if one accepted his after-the-fact
suggestion that he really meant to refer to emissions per ton of coal and even
if one started with 1970.
Persistent conceptual confusions
In my critique, I point out that
despite the preoccupation of Lomborg’s energy chapter with the question of
resource depletion he fails to explain the distinction between “reserves” and
“resources”, which is absolutely essential to understanding the depletion
issue. His response, in which he
criticizes my statement that “it is likely that the most abundant potential
replacements for conventional oil will be more expensive than oil has been”,
makes one wonder whether he understands the distinction himself. For he seems to think he can refute my
point about the costs of replacements for conventional oil with his claim,
referenced to an Energy Information Administration report, that today it is
“possible to produce about 550 billion barrels of oil from tar sands and shale
oil at a price below $30, i.e. that it is possible to increase the present
global oil reserves by 50 percent.”
Whether such a quantity can be produced from tar sands and oil shale at
a price near (never mind below) $30 per barrel is in fact highly uncertain, but
more suggestive of Lomborg’s confusion in any case is the fact that the price
he mentions is higher (according to his own Figure 65) than the price of oil
has been for any prolonged period in the last 120 years except for 1979-86, in
the aftermath of the second (1979) Arab-OPEC oil-price shock.[3] This means
resources of tar sands and oil shale that would only be economically
exploitable at prices around $30 per barrel are in fact more expensive
than oil has been for nearly all of the last century. They could only be
considered “reserves” -- material that is exploitable with current technology
at current prices -- in circumstances under which the price of conventional oil
had risen to well above what has been usual for the past century, which was
exactly my point.
of Lomborg’s persistent conceptual confusions relates to his proposition that
grid-connected wind power needs to be sized to meet the peak demand. My critique complained about the formulation
to this effect in his book, and now he asserts that his formulation would be
right for a system that consisted only of windmills and dams and that this is
what he meant. The relevant passage in
his book is not clear at all that what is meant is a grid containing windmills
and dams but nothing else. But even in
such an unusual power grid (which as far as I know does not exist anywhere) one
would not size the windmills to be able to meet 100 percent of the grid peak
demand. One would count on always being
able to get some contribution from the dams, which after all can store up water
(and thus the energy derivable from it) for whenever the peak load occurs. It would make no sense to try to scale the
windmills to cover a case in which the dams could contribute nothing at
all. In fairness, the details of how
one calculates back-up capacity requirements for wind generators in power grids
of various compositions are quite complicated.
But Lomborg clearly hasn’t understood even the rudiments of the
issue. As in so much of his energy
chapter, he is confusing his readers because he is confused himself.
Vagueness where specificity was required
least one ought to be able to expect in a book by a statistician is (a) clear
specification of what is being depicted by the numbers that are presented and
(b) appropriate indication of the magnitudes of uncertainties (as reflected,
e.g., in the range of respectable estimates of a quantity of interest). Lomborg fails repeatedly to provide either
one. As an example of his (frequent)
failure to specify clearly what his numbers refer to, I cited in my critique
his statement that “it is presumed that there is sufficient coal for well
beyond the next 1,500 years”, without specifying the rate of coal use for which
this figure would obtain. He now
protests that it should be obvious that “the years of consumption are measured
from the year discussed”. I invite the
reader to return to the passage in the book to see how clear this is; but even more damning is that the formulation Lomborg offers now,
following criticism that he muddled the point, is still not
unambiguous: sometimes projected
resource lifetimes are measured based on extrapolating a constant rate of
growth of consumption into the future starting “from the year discussed”, rather than assuming a constant consumption
rate, and sometimes they are measured “from the year discussed” by assuming
that the consumption rate is following a bell-shaped curve (the famous
“Hubbert’s pimple”).[4]
argues further that readers in doubt about what he meant should just consult
his reference. But it seems a feeble
defense to argue that it’s acceptable to be unclear in one’s book as long as
the point is clear in a reference (which readers may or not be able to readily
find and which, if they do, may or may not actually offer the promised
clarity). Quite the contrary, it is
the appropriate role of works of synthesis like Lomborg’s book to clarify and
place in understandable context the quantitative details that are in the
references, not the other way around.
last resort is to protest that the exact number for the coal resource lifetime
is not very important to his argument anyway, so I should not have bothered to
criticize the lack of clarity about what it referred to. I agree the number is not important. My point is exactly that Lomborg’s energy
chapter is a hodgepodge of such numbers – tossed together uncritically with
little attention to clarity, accuracy, importance, or even relevance, never
mind displaying or conveying understanding.
Illusory precision where only approximations are
the most unexpected and inexplicable defect of all in a book by a statistician
is The Skeptical Environmentalist’s almost pervasive inattention to the ranges
of estimates that exist for quantities of interest – even inattention to the
standard scientific practice of expressing quantities to a number of
significant digits roughly commensurate with the precision to which the
quantities are known. (I say almost
pervasive because there are a few instances in which it apparently suits
Lomborg’s agenda to emphasize ranges of opinion and uncertainty – most notably
in his treatments of climate change and biodiversity – and then he does so.)
the examples of illusory precision in Lomborg’s energy chapter that I cited in
my critique was his statement that “43 percent of American energy use is
wasted”. In defending that statement,
he writes in his rebuttal that “Of course, there are a lot of numbers that we
do not know well, but the general idea in statistics is that if these numbers
have been generated by a process described by evenly distributed errors, the
more precise number is still the best predictor of the real number...” (It goes on.) This is gobbledegook --
a complete smokescreen. There is no
set of numbers on the extent of waste in the U.S. energy system that any
competent analyst would regard as data, never mind data that “have been
generated by a process described by evenly distributed errors”, because there
is no agreed definition of
“waste” on which to base the generation
of such data. Without a definition,
there is no basis for saying whether 40 percent or 20 percent or 80 percent of
U.S. energy is wasted, to say nothing of a two-significant-figure 43
“waste” mean the fraction of energy supplied that does not end up in the
cooking pot or the lumen output of the lightbulb or the forward motion of the
car? Or does it mean the difference
between the performance actually achieved and the performance that is
thermodynamically possible? Or does it
mean the amount by which the energy being used to produce a given good or
service could be cost-effectively reduced given current technologies and
current energy prices? These
definitions are very different, they give very different answers when applied
to a given energy process, and it is an immensely complicated and difficult
exercise to apply any of them to the energy-economic system of an entire
country. Whole shelves of books,
reports, and dissertations have been written about this.[5] Nobody who
had penetrated the slightest part of this literature would make Lomborg’s
mistake of offering a precise number for the energy “waste” of a nation with no
explanation of how this number was developed.
happen to agree with what I suspect Lomborg was trying to say, which is that
the energy efficiency of the U.S. economy – defined as the value of the goods
and services delivered divided by the amount of energy used – could be substantially
increased in ways that would be cost-effective even at current energy
prices. But that is not what he
wrote. Tossing off a preposterously
precise value for “waste” without specifying what he is talking about does not
cut the mustard. With friends like
Lomborg, improving energy efficiency will hardly need its many enemies.)
his smokescreen about “evenly distributed errors” (a phrase in which he has
inadvertently provided us with an apt characterization of his whole book), Lomborg’s further defense of his having
presented an impossibly precise 43 percent value for a completely imprecise
quantity is that he found it in somebody else’s book: “Moreover, the 43 percent
is actually described right off one of the best-selling college environment
books by professor Miller – is Holdren also claiming that he is wrong?” Lomborg’s citation is to the
introductory-level text, Living in the Environment, by G. Tyler Miller,
Jr. I have the 1975 edition of this
book on my shelf, not the 1998 edition cited by Lomborg. In my edition, Miller does write that “over
50 percent of the energy use in this country is wasted”, and he presents a
diagram showing a figure of 53 percent for 1973; but at least he then spends four pages explaining what he means by
waste and conveying some sense of how a number in this range results from the
definition he is using. If the
treatment in the1998 edition does not reflect more of the range of serious
thought and analysis on this issue that have taken place in the intervening 25
years, I would be surprised and, yes, critical. In any case, what is diagnostic in all this about Lomborg’s
approach is that he appears to think that plucking one number uncritically from
one reference (an elementary college textbook, at that) – and propagating it as
established truth good to two significant figures – constitutes responsible
scholarship. It doesn’t.
instance of the illusory precision in Lomborg’s energy chapter that I mentioned
in my Scientific American critique –
and which Lomborg seems to think is covered by his “evenly distributed errors”
defense – is his statement that “the costs of carbon dioxide” are “probably…0.64
cents per kWh [kilowatt-hour]”. As
with his energy-waste figure, Lomborg has a reference for this improbably
precise number, in the form of a 1996 Resources for the Future report that
reviews and summarizes a number of studies of the social (including
environmental) costs of electricity generation.[6]
Consulting the reference is
instructive. It does indeed contain the
0.64 cents/kWh figure cited by Lomborg, in a table labeled “Estimates and Best
Guesses of Damages” with a footnote and accompanying text indicating that the
figure is some sort of average of a considerable range of values presented in the
report, which extend from at least 8 times smaller to at least 150 times
larger. The text also contains the disclaimer
that “Though the studies [reviewed here] devote considerable attention to
global climate change from greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, all conclude that
damage estimates in the literature are too uncertain to be included with other
estimates [of the social costs of electricity generation].” The reader may judge whether Lomborg has
contributed to public understanding by suggesting, with this reference as his
authority, that the cost to society from carbon dioxide emissions from coal
fired power plants is “probably” 0.64 cents per kilowatt-hour.[7]
Concluding observations
Lomborg claims in his rebuttal that
“Holdren could find little but a badly translated word and a necessary
specification for nuclear energy production in this chapter”.[8] Actually, as my original critique
indicated to the extent practical in the space available, and as Lomborg’s
rebuttal and this response make even plainer, his energy chapter is so
permeated with misunderstandings,
misreadings, misrepresentations, and blunders of other sorts that it cannot be
considered a positive contribution to public or policy-maker understanding,
notwithstanding its managing to get right a few (already well known) truths
about the subject. Many of his mistakes
are big ones: he bungles the issues
involving reserves and resources that are critical to his core argument about
oil remaining cheap; he drastically misleads
his readers about the extent to which sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
emissions from coal-burning have been reduced; he trivializes the climate-change risks from coal’s carbon
dioxide emissions by suggesting we know the impacts will only be worth 0.64
cents per kilowatt-hour. Other mistakes
that are individually less important add up to a pattern of random
incompetence.[9] The sad fact is that Lomborg’s understanding of the energy issue is so
superficial – and his reading of the literature he cites so uncomprehending and
uncritical – that he is doing an actual disservice by trying to propagate what
he imagines he has learned about it.
Skeptical Environmentalist was glowingly reviewed, not long after its
appearance in English translation, in The
Economist, The Wall Street Journal,
and The Washington Post. The reviewers for those publications were
evidently pleased with the book’s message – “environmental problems are not as
bad as we’ve been told, and things are mostly getting better” – but they
evidently lacked the background or the inclination to find the flaws beneath
the surface of Lomborg’s glib and citation-strewn presentation. Subsequent reviews by natural scientists – which
have appeared so far in Nature, Science, Scientific American, and American
Scientist, as well as on a number of websites – have been blistering. They have called attention to more or less
“evenly distributed errors” across Lomborg’s treatment of population, food, forests,
air pollution, acid rain, climate change, and biodiversity loss, among other
topics – errors including all of the types I identified in his energy chapter,
and more – even while acknowledging, as I did, that in this potpourri Lomborg
manages to get a few things right. Now
an Economist editorialist wonders (2
February 2002, p 15) “What has inspired [this] fury?” and goes on to accuse Scientific American’s scientist
reviewers, in particular, of being “strong on contempt and sneering, but weak
on substance”.
Those who have read this far can
judge for themselves whether I am weak on substance, but I would like to try to
explain to The Economist, and to
others who may be curious, where the anger and, yes, contempt come from. The
practice of science, which includes the packaging of findings from science for
use in the public-policy arena, is governed by an unwritten code of conduct
that includes such elements as mastering the relevant fundamental concepts
before venturing into print in the professional or public arena, learning and
observing proper practices for presenting ranges of respectable opinion and
uncertainty, avoiding the selection of data to fit pre-conceived conclusions, reading
the references one cites and representing their content accurately and fairly, and
acknowledging and correcting the errors that have crept into one’s work (some
of which are, of course, inevitable) after they are discovered by oneself or by
Most scientists follow this code of
conduct as best they can out of self respect and respect for the integrity of
science itself. For those for whom
these considerations might not be quite enough, there is little that can
enforce the code other than concern with the cumulative harm to one’s
reputation and standing that comes from one’s colleagues’ awareness of a
pattern of infractions, or fear of the
public denunciation by colleagues that may follow in the rarer instances of
someone’s descending into more massive and willful disregard of accepted
standards. Of course, for the deterrent effect of potential denunciation by
one’s colleagues to work against such massive violations of the scientists’
code of conduct, it is important that the denunciation should actually happen
in those instances when, occasionally, the deterrent fails. If the issue involves science for policy,
moreover, a clear and forceful denunciation has the further purpose of avoiding
an extreme and poorly founded interpretation of the relevant science being
credited in the policy debate as lying within the range of respectable
scientific opinion.
Now, it is apparent from reading
just the first few pages of The Skeptical
Environmentalist that Lomborg proposes to make the case that not just
environmentalists, but a considerable part of the heretofore respectable
environmental-science community, have been misunderstanding the relevant
concepts, misrepresenting the relevant facts, understating the uncertainties,
selecting data, and failing to acknowledge errors after these have been pointed
out – in other words, that the scientist
contributors to what he calls “the environmental litany” (namely, that
environmental problems are serious and becoming, in many instances, more so) have
been guilty of massively violating the scientists’ code of conduct. This would be interesting news indeed, if
Lomborg could prove it. But reading further reveals that his attempt
to do so is itself a richly populated pastiche of these very infractions. Every class of mistake of which he accuses
environmentalists and environmental scientists who have contributed to the
“litany” is in fact committed prolifically and indiscriminately in The Skeptical Environmentalist (except,
of course, for refusing to acknowledge error – for this, one has to read his
That the responses of environmental
scientists have conveyed anger as well as substantive content, then, ought to be
understandable. Lomborg’s performance careens far across the line that divides
respectable even if controversial science from thoroughgoing and unrepentant
incompetence. He has failed thoroughly
to master his subject. He has
committed, with appalling frequency and brazen abandon, exactly the kinds of
mistakes and misrepresentations of which he accuses his adversaries. He has needlessly muddled public
understanding and wasted immense amounts of the time of capable people who have
had to take on the task of rebutting him. And he has done so at the particular intersection of science with public
policy – environment and the human condition – where public and policy-maker
confusion about the realities is more dangerous for the future of society than on
any other science-and-policy question excepting, possibly, the dangers from
weapons of mass destruction. It is a lot to answer for.
* * * *
P. HOLDREN is the Teresa and John
Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy and
Director of the Program on Science, Technology, and Public Policy in the
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University. He is
also Professor of Environmental Science and Public Policy in Harvard=s Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and
Visiting Distinguished Scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center. Trained in engineering and plasma physics at
MIT and Stanford, he co-founded in 1973 and co-led until 1996 the
interdisciplinary graduate-degree program in energy and resources at the
University of California, Berkeley. He
is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy
of Sciences (NAS), and the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and he chairs
the NAS Committee on International Security and Arms Control and the NAS/NAE
Committee on US/India Cooperation on Energy.
He was a member of President Clinton's Committee of Advisors on Science
and Technology (PCAST) from 1994 to 2001 and chaired PCAST studies on nuclear
materials protection, the US fusion R&D program, Federal energy R&D for
the challenges of the 21st century, and international cooperation on energy
innovation. He has been the recipient
of a MacArthur Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Tyler Prize for Environment, and the Heinz Prize for Public
Policy, among others. In December 1995
he delivered the Nobel Peace Prize acceptance lecture in Oslo on behalf of the
Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, which he served as Chair of
the Executive Committee from 1987 to 1997.
[1] In a “Dear Sir
or Madam” broadcast e-mail sent out by Lomborg on December 18, he wrote, inter alia, “Naturally, I plan to write
a rebuttal to be put on my web-site.
However, I would also love your input to the issues -- maybe you can
contest some of the arguments in the SA pieces, alone or together with other
academics. Perhaps you have good ideas to counter a specific argument. Perhaps
you know of someone else that might be ideal to talk to or get to write a
[2] It is possible
that this formulation is apocryphal, but that does not make it less applicable
[3] The world oil price also hit $30 per barrel for a
brief period in the oil-price spike of late 2000. At this writing, in February 2002, the price is about $21 per
barrel (current dollars, equivalent to a bit over $20 per barrel in 2000
[4] See, e.g., the classic M. King Hubbert, “Energy
Resources”, Ch. 4 in Resources and Man, Report of the Committee on
Resources and Man of the National Academy of Sciences / National Research
Council, W. H. Freeman, 1969.
Representative works are the classic Efficient Use of Energy: A
Physics Perspective (American Physical Society / American Institute of
Physics, 1975) and the recent, massive, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory /
International Agency collaboration, Indicators of Energy Use and Efficiency:
Understanding the Link Between Energy and Human Activity (OECD/IEA
[6] Allan J. Krupnick and Dallas Burtraw, The Social Costs of Electricity: Do the
Numbers Add Up?, Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 96-30, August
1996, http://www.rff.org/disc_papers/pdf_files/9630.pdf.
[7] It is particularly ironic that Lomborg would offer such a ridiculously precise estimate of the cost of the impacts of climate change from carbon dioxide emissions, inasmuch as the entire thrust of his book’s chapter on “global warming” is that practically nothing about the effects of greenhouse gases is known with certainty.
[8] This is his way of characterizing the only two errors he has been willing to admit, namely writing “catalyzing water” when “electrolyzing water” was meant and misstating by a factor of two the contribution of nuclear energy in countries relying on it.
[9] As suggested above, once this pattern has been established a work can be considered discredited. A critic has no responsibility to identify and explicate all of an author’s mistakes. People with the competence needed to do this have better things to do. To explain to nonspecialists all of the mistakes in Lomborg’s energy chapter would require replicating a substantial part of the introductory course on energy systems that I taught for 23 years at the University of California, Berkeley, and have now taught for 5 years at Harvard. As badly as Lomborg needs that course, I am not going to provide it for him here.